If you want to help your community, please consider joining our Team. There are no age requirements and everybody is encourage to join! There are minimum requirements that will need to be met:
All Team Members will be required to obtain a GMRS license. The fee to the FCC for a GMRS license is 35.00 for a 10 year license (for you and your immediate family) and any of our current members can help you with the FCC forms.
All Team Members will need to complete some basic communications and ICS/NIMS training to have an understanding of radio operations during planned, unplanned and net events. There are MANY other training classes you can attend if you want to further your involvement with the Team.
-Background Check:
All Team Members must clear a background check since we will be directly involved with the public.
-Radio Equipment:
Though you do not have to own your own radio equipment, some knowledge of how radios work will help you. Most all of our Team Members typically have extra radios and will be more than willing to teach you how to use them. All members will be issued a handheld radio with the option to purchase it at cost.
-Team Involvement:
There are no minimum requirements, at this time, for attending monthly meetings but your involvement and interaction with the Team is always encouraged to share ideas, learn about future events, training and the direction of the Team.
As a REACT Team our initiatives & operation possibilities are endless! This means we, with your ideas, can help our community in many different ways. Check out the REACT Operations link to see some of our current initiatives that you can participate in. Click the link below, email or contact ANY of of current members to learn more about being part of our Team.